
Covid-19 – Live a Positive Life in Corona

There are many issues in the Coronavirus era like unemployment, economic problems, loneliness, and so on. This can lead to depression, and even suicide. Sometimes, we don’t realize how bad decisions can affect our entire family and society. In fact, everyone faces challenges. These challenges must be faced with optimism. Positive energy can be transmitted and owned by changing how we view life.

Suicides are increasing around the globe. According to WHO, depression is a “global crisis”. Deep stress can lead to suicidal thoughts in people who are suffering from it. These people believe that suicide is the only way to solve all their problems. According to an amendment, suicide was one of the top 10 causes of death in India. The NCRB reports that suicide has increased by 17.3% in the past ten years. Life is precious. There is no technology or power on the planet that can restart our breathing once we have stopped breathing. There are many difficult situations that can surround us, such as education, job pressure, unemployment, financial difficulties, loneliness, and so on, that make it tempting to commit suicide. Depression is the main cause.

Show empathy to the mentally ill

People with mental illness need more empathy and care than patients who are physically ill. Because of stigma and lack of awareness, people are reluctant to visit the doctor. This increases the risk of disease progression. 90% of Americans never visit a hospital to treat mental illness. The patient can heal if it is diagnosed and treated promptly.

Death can result from mental illness

People with mental illness feel isolated from the rest of society. He is not like other people. He is more likely to feel lonely and suffer from mental disorders. Multiple studies have shown that suicide is more common in people with mental disorders.


Pharmacotherapy is the treatment for mental illness using drugs. Modern medicines can be very effective in stabilizing the brain, and accurately treating patients.

Psychotherapy – Psychotherapy is a treatment for mental illness and emotional trauma. This involves an in-depth assessment of the patient’s mental health. This is how the cause of the disease can be determined. This therapy allows the patient to adjust to his situation and to accept it.

Behavior Therapy is a treatment of cognitive or behavioral disorders. This involves observing and motivating the patient to behave normally. His symptoms are the main focus.

Risk factors

  • – Mental illness and other psychological problems
  • – Physical abuse
  • – Mental distress.
  • – Health issues
  • – Financial and family problems
  • – Feeling emotionally out of balance
  • – Injuries due to accident or mental illness
  • – Insufficient support from family or social networks.

Be careful if you have these symptoms


  1. – Feeling sad or frustrated.
  2. – Loss in interest in beloved things.

Feeling tired or depleted of energy.

  • – Separation of family members and close friends
  • – Inadequate study habits or poor work performance.
  • – Changes to eating habits
  • – Suicidal thoughts that are repeated.
  • – Thinking about and talking about suicide alternatives.

Children are your best friends

According to ICMR data about 20-25 percent of Indian youth suffer from depression. Dysthymia is a depression that isn’t severe and lasts for more than a year. This can lead to a decrease in self-confidence, and a change in eating habits. Stress affects 10% percent of children. Stress can increase in small families due to the stress of school, separation from parents and loneliness, as well as emotional problems. Keep your children emotionally close to you.

Lifestyle changes

A balanced diet is essential: The brain needs nutrients just as much as the body does. Whole grains and fresh fruits are great for your mental health.

Proper rest is vital for good mental health. Sleep for as long as your body needs. If you have the time, get 10-15 minutes of sleep in the afternoon.

Exercise: At least 30 minutes per day is a good time to keep your mind and body fit. Your body’s level of endorphin hormone will increase the more fit you are.

Avoid stress Stress is our biggest enemy. Suicide can be a result of constant stress. Keep busy with creative work to avoid this.

Spend some time in nature Don’t be afraid to explore the outdoors. Spend time in nature. Go for a walk in the park near your office or home. You will get more energy and vitamin-D from the sun.

Be social: Man is a social creature. He can only be happy if he has a good social life. Research has shown that people who are more responsible in their social lives have better mental health.

Be yourself. Do not try to be like others. Do not try to please other people. Living a normal lifestyle is the best way to live.

The effects of thinking on mental well-being

The circumstances can make the average person feel different. Each person sees the world differently. Negative emotions can become a habit. It can have a devastating effect on your mental health.

These habits need to be changed

Anger: Although anger is a common emotion, it should be managed. Anger can cause a lot of harm socially, emotionally and personally. Anger at others can lead to psychological problems. Many people resort to suicidal behavior in anger.

Eeveryone will experience fear. Anxiety can also be caused by excessive fear. An anxiety condition that lasts more than six months can be considered serious. If this happens, a specialist should be consulted.

Feeling lonely: Sometimes in life you may feel alone. Depression and a lack interest in the task at-hand are two symptoms. This can last for several days or even months. Keep your creative interests alive by engaging in creative work.

A conversation can save lives

There is no quick way to commit suicide. He has had this idea in his head for a while. These thoughts often reflect in his words. A conversation can often save someone from suicide. It is important to take care of your mental health. If you feel that talking alone is not enough to solve the problem, or if the person suffering from depression has entered a depressive state, it’s advisable to consult a psychiatrist. You can give the prescribed medications on time and offer a new environment.

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